Hangin’ in the ‘Gon
I’m finally home…yeayyyyyyyyhhahahha for living in Saigon! Although I officially moved here a month ago (seriously!), I feel like I don’t even know the place!!! POURQUOI? Car j’ai pas mal voyage pendent ces dernieres semaines (seriously I’m so sad that I’ve forgotten how to type w/accents in French…Boo! ïŒ )
With the mothership in country and Lunar/Asian New year going on, I was “forced†to hit the road and visit the grams in Cam Ranh/ Nha Trang for the billionth time and return to Danang/VN central region for a couple weeks….
So my return to Sgn was good b/c I just really wanted to be “home†although I didn’t necessarily feel adjusted to this city yet….
I spent the weekend “pimping†out my studio and myself. = lotsa moola kaput/disparu/gone to Mastercard heaven
BOT: Dvd player especially meant to watch “The OC†with; toaster oven (cornbread part II on the way); many kitchen items (highlight = non-stick pan); cute elephant print garbage can (message = please keep environment clean); a sweet-ass mop; matching bedsheets and comfy green blankie; tons of delicious Maximart food (diggin’ the caramel tea baby!); a humungo Black Cat Ruben sandwich w/extra tomates et cornichons; a “Korean-eque†red print dress; two hot tops; the best Japanese-style LACE shrug; a mani/pedicure combo and arm waxing (I luv smooth arms)…etc…
Yes, it was hundreds of $$$ that I dropped this weekend! But no worries, Mastercard is truly my best friend 😉
I love houseware shopping so much and I thought only clothes were interesting…I was soooooo wrong! Unfortunately, I’m not done w/the shopping.
TO BUY: a lamp/Hoi An lanterns; a radio; a wire condiments basket (I love chilli and spices and pickles); a laundry basket; new blingin’ curtains (the current ones are nasty gold yellow and I HATE THEM); thumbtacks; and a whole bunch of seemingly boring but oh-so-useful items ïŠ