Fancy smancy EUROPE :P

Pics to come but oh boy…quality is NOT the same across continents/countries. Yes, I know that but still, c’est frappant!

So INTL fact: companies cater their products to their market so for example, COKE doesn’t taste the same in other countries. HEINZ well, ARE there other KEINZ? B/C I swear it’s much sweeter in Asia…they LOVE their sugar over there so DO NOT EVER eat Asian ketchup if you’re used to the N.American kind.

OK so in Europe, it’s so funny cuz even the littlest things R much more fancy.

1. TIC TACS! Duuude they’re mints but the ones I bot in France do not look anything liek the imports from Amerika 😉 It is hilarious b/c after years in Vietnam, I bot some and they were all stale b/c they came from the US and also they were like PRICY!

2. LIPTON TEA BAGS! The other day, a new French friend expressed her disgust for Lipton. Today at work, I had a teabag and AHEM MADEMOISELLE but they use the cute lil seeped bags here…not the paper-filter types I’m used to at HOME! I”LL TAKE LIPTON HERE ANY DAY!!! Lipton was NOT my fave in VN b/c it was basic and pricier than delish Asian loose leaf tea but duuuuddde what is my French friend talking about? The flavour at work was WHITE TEA and it’s loose-leaf! I’ll drink it avec plaisir!

Soooo Europe takes the cake on fanciest products and probably at big prices….it’s true that tea from this continent is fabulous and I just love MARIAGE FRERES TEA FROM PARIS ORIGINATING FROM THE 1800s but duddeee Lipton is just fine for the gal en Suisse.
Basically, I call Europe “living normally..but w/a lil smthg EXTRA”. It’s like normal + +. So if you’re Canadian/American/other, you’ll love the high life of continental Europe. Shall we do tea????

LOVELY DAHLINGS, check u next time 🙂

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