E is HARD. But it can work. So voila : ENDIVES 🙂 This is a veg I was intro’d to back in 2001 during my year in Paris. It’s Belgian in origin and rarely found in N.America outside of snobby… Read more ›
Hello there! It is hard to post in order b/c I have a pic uploading problem from my phone and sometimes I am just too excited by today’s post to go back in time to earlier letters…. Anyway, cabbage rolls… Read more ›
It was Saturday and the end of the first week of cooking and I had been doing it everyday and making some complicated things so I wanted to cheat… Option 1: “French fries” says the boy. Great idea I think….easy… Read more ›
Just word up: I’m a God-loving gal but I can enjoy these eggs with relish–lol! So I do like me some eggs in all types but I did not want to make frittata for F. And I have never made… Read more ›
Now this is an “old” person’s classic. And I am always close to iron-deficient. AND liver is the cheapest source of protein in Geneva of the meat-like offerings. Soooooooooooo it’s time to learn how to make this dish and make… Read more ›
Today’s creation was MINESTRONE soup! Italian originally, now we see this soup often on cafeteria menus in Canada all the time and probably in other countries too I believe…. INSPIRATION: For Easter weekend, or rather, the FEASTING of it, I… Read more ›
So I love Korean stuff–food, people, tv dramas…etc. I am fortunate to have met some awesome Korean folks who added loads of fun to my life 🙂 Thanks guys & gals! And with their inspiration, I turn to the letter… Read more ›
Hi! Soooo it’s been awhile and I am up to my ears in other things i need to blog about…I’m on letter H of cooking and letter A of blogging… = PROBLEM 🙁 But that’ll all come. Today I want… Read more ›
I find myself in the err-interesting situation of being time-rich and money-poor…but what to do with all this time? Clearly I cannot snooze it all away so my pals J and K came up with an idea and semi-forced it… Read more ›