ARRETE! C’EST ICI L’EMPIRE DE LA MORT. Above en francais, you have “STOP! Here is the beginning of the empire of death”…sure it sounds ominous but it is the sign that indicates the entry way to the section where bones… Read more ›
Now I like cooking & sharing food with love. In my migrating life, I’ve realized that not all people like to cook. Since I do and I think sometimes I like to bake more than I like to eat the… Read more ›
So I just restarted my Twitter after signing up for an account like 7 years ago….and it lay dormant until maybe last month. A reboot for the blog so why not a reboot for Twitter too? @freshgreen Anyway I had… Read more ›
According the the Urban Dictionary, a prick is 1. A word that can describe a penis (I did not know that!) 2. An ungrateful piece of shit of a person A douchebag is Someone who has surpassed the levels of… Read more ›
Sooooo I love ‘skinny’ mirrors, the ones that just make you look a teeny bit better than you actually do! No they do not ‘morph’ you or stretch you out like the ones at carnival fairs or silly amusement park… Read more ›
Pics to come but oh boy…quality is NOT the same across continents/countries. Yes, I know that but still, c’est frappant! So INTL fact: companies cater their products to their market so for example, COKE doesn’t taste the same in other… Read more ›
So I have this friend Cathy…this time, I’m not talking bout myself! She is a food blogger and is a published author–yay!!!! This entry is inspired by her 🙂 Read her HERE:) So my roommates like cheese like almost all… Read more ›
It’s just an excuse. You say you don’t email or you think: outta sight outta mind..Riiittttttttttteeeeeee. These days, distance is overcome. (If that’s what you want…) I think I am actually more in touch these days (annoyed yet? sorry!!!!) simply… Read more ›
Wait, 3 days of work now and actually 5 days in. Now for random thoughts. The walk home: I meander Genevois streets and take a leisurely stroll along the Lake Evian (not 100% this is the name yet…! part of… Read more ›