I had a fabulous opportunity to visit this amazing place in February. I got a tan, 50 mosquito bites, sun n sea sickness and a great haircut 😛 I’ll have to write about this later but for now, I must… Read more ›
Hmmm, it’s been ages since I last wrote…the blog needs some updating but for now, let me say “HI!” for starters. The blog needs a new name too since my travels are over for the mo. I’ve landed in Ottawa,… Read more ›
Hola 🙂 Holding off on the Take That details for now, I must simply list things I’ve done so far. This is not a braggin’ rites kinda thing, it’s more to show you the wonders of France and the benefits… Read more ›
Oh my goodness, it’s my first post of 2009 and it’s already the second half of the year!!! Oopsies, talk about neglect! But I’m back or I’ll try to write more regularly so that the few peeps interested in the… Read more ›
Hola! Anyone who knows me knows that I am hipper hyper, supa duper, well, happy/annoying, depending on if you like me? C’est vrai and I know since only ppl who know me read this, basically you agree. 🙂 🙂 🙂… Read more ›
Me blog is rejected as I have facebooked too much and now monsieur bloggy is upset and neglected and I am experiencing writer’s blog block/guilt. Ok whatever! I like to write but hate to post pics cuz it takes time… Read more ›
Can you believe it was only a few months before that Cathy and I came up with a title for our vacation and that it would be called Vietnam Voyage? (That’s right everyone, she did not come up with that… Read more ›
Hello all! This is Anh, the elder of Cathy’s younger sisters. I’m so tired because there hasn’t been much down time since getting here. So let’s start, shall we? First, Michelle (the other sister) and I went to visit my… Read more ›