Working day adventures–Village of Hope

Hey hey!

Briefly, just went to an EMW orphanage today and it was great…the visit, the kids, the buildings. I learned a lot and must elaborate later….But it all went down the wrong way at the end cuz I got a xe om back to the city and it was a piece of junk that just fell apart once we hit the beach road and my cell had no credits and I was stranded on the beach so I took pics til my batteries ran out and finally this girl on a motorbike saved the day and took me back to the office.

beaching on the bayme just waiting for the carwhere's my driver?my best xe om ever! a friendly girl who helped poor ol me!

Lessons learned:
–things can go from great to crap easily here
–take a look at the motorbike and driver b4 u hop on and agreed to a price
–VN ppl can be really friendly and generous
–patience will save u in many circumstances
–whatever happens, i still live near the beach
–breathe, Cathy, breathe!

To make up for the stress, had to release with a quick jot to Hoi An for some clothes making….this is what we saw on the way:
check out the fishermanDSCN6726

And then all was rite in the world once again 🙂

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