Top few blog postings never written

I guess this is a way to cheat for posts.

1. I had the most interesting rideshare experience on the weekend. Sometimes I hope the driver will just drive so I can study like the dork I wanna be, but I know that it’s actually much better to BE PRESENT where you are, as in be fully alert and available, ie not distracted etc. So that’s what I did and we chatted bout lots of good stuff: marble, intl business, franchising, universities, Ottawa etc. and what I learned that was most refreshing was that indeed, Muslims and Christians can and do get along. (He was telling me about growing up in Karachi, Pakistan.)

2. I have a title: “Fun and facts about that white stuff SNOW” but alas, no time yet to write! But let’s just say car plugs, freezing nostrils, and sidewalk plow machines R TOTALLY AWESOME!

3. Today I woke up with a topic….ummmm…..darn! Oh well, it’ll come back. I’m starting to see the world in blog posts but as I’ve said, I’m a pretty un-bloggy writer. Not consistent at all. Don’t take photos.

OK but since you kinda gotta know me to be here, THANKS and LOVE to those precious few!

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