ODE to SKINNY mirrors!!!!
Sooooo I love ‘skinny’ mirrors, the ones that just make you look a teeny bit better than you actually do! No they do not ‘morph’ you or stretch you out like the ones at carnival fairs or silly amusement park mazes (I like those too!)
MY FIRST: was at the GYM!!! IN VIETNAM! (as if VNese ppl need to look EVEN SKINNIER!) But anyway, it was my first exposure and I LOVED IT. Yes, you can totally tell that it is shaving off like 3% of your flab but that is what motivates you to keep working out! And yep it works b/c you know that you can actually ACHIEVE the difference if you are consistent.
MAYBE it’s more like a MOTIVATOR MIRROR rather than the skinny one then? 😛
And since I left VN, I’ve only had the fondest memories….goodbye skinny mirror 😛 <3 This led to an interesting conversation with my budding fashion designer sista who said that at her store (where she works NOT owns BUT that’ll come in due time 😛 ), they have a mirror like that also that makes you look not slim but a little bit more DEFINED…like a sharper jawbone etc…. Hmmm I’m so interested I might have to visit her there 😛
AND when I went to the gym in Canada with my OTHER SISTER ANL, I asked her…buuuuuutttt where is the skinny mirror???!!!! And she said, THERE ISN’T ONE SILLY!!!! (me so sad 🙁 )
And I was also MEGA DISAPPOINTED that my gym in Geneva didn’t have one either!!!????? Like WTH people, hello, you are the most expensive gym I’ve ever been a member of and you DON’T HAVE A SKINNY MIRROR?????!!!! Is it out of your budget? OHHHH I get it, I was going to the ‘local’ gym NOT THE FIVE STAR and it’s probably there that they have the super mirror cuz we ‘lay people’ aren’t worthy 😛 Oh EXCLUSIVITY SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! LOL but that’s another rant for another time 😛
A: It is the door of the Bank of the UAE! LOL!!!!!! So when you go in there to do your banking, you see yourself in the super mirror and think, damn I look so hot! And then you’re in a good mood and then will be nicer and happier right as you step into the bank!!! LOOLLLOOLLOLOLO 😛 And that’s psychology for ya!!!!
I LOVE IT and my sweet Greek friend Katerina told me that she and her friends would just stand in front of that door (never going in, we don’t have that kinda cash!) and just look at how HAWT they were…but trust me, this gal is gorgeous and doesn’t need a flattery mirror AT ALL!!!!! <3
[caption id="attachment_1104" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Miss you Kat!"][/caption]
I only hope you shall be so lucky in your life to come across such an awesome mirror. ME LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!
xxoo ciao friends!