Family ties
Just realized that in a one year period, my entire immediate family of seven very varied personalities all made it to our “homeland” VIETNAM.
And me being the fortunate one,
a) am still here
b) spent time with all my family members in different Vietnamese cities
c) get to see grams on a semi-regular basic
not being so lucky,
d) the most tan of the bunch
e) probably the most poor
f) the most removed
All in all, not a bad thing for a large family. Too bad we couldn’t all be here together, but step by step, we’re discovering our roots and becoming more Vietnamese.
I still don’t like Teemu because he’s a cheap, scrappy hockey player. There, I said it. Hopefully you know the Ducks won the Stanley Cup, Scott Niedermeyer was MVP and that Jordin girl won American Idol. She sounds kinda pitchy to me. What else? I’m guessing you’ll want to send Michael home ASAP – is he with you right now?