GRE: two weeks later
Honestly, the math permutations and percentages are no longer floating in my head. But what about the graduate-level (ahem bombastic) vocabulary that I have acquired?
I learned over 400 new words yet I still don’t know what nugatory and pontificate mean!
Here are some favourites: Oh please note that these definitions have to be a bit off since I have not reviewed my flashcards for awhile and so they may fuzzy, wrong but I think they’re accurate!
alacrity: willingness and eagerness (my fave fave of the bunch as I think everyone should live life with alacrity!)
magnanimous: having kindness and goodwill like a knight, chivalrous
perspicacious: keenly observant, having ability to discern obscure things
noisome: having bad odour, irritating
filagree: a type of ornate design
BTW did you know that discrete is not related to discretion? You are thinking of discreet my friends! See what my mind has been filled with for the past three months? Fun stuff non?
OH yeah: courtesy of….it’s good to know!
  /ˈnugəˌtɔri, -ˌtoʊri, ˈnyu-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [noo-guh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee, nyoo-] Show IPA
1. of no real value; trifling; worthless.
2. of no force or effect; ineffective; futile; vain.
3. not valid.