Lazy days rule :)

I had completed this giddy post on Thursday while in Hanoi but lo and behold, it disappeared into Internet-wasteland….

Oh here I am on Saturday. It’s 4:50pm and well it’s been a great day 🙂

THANKFUL for recent activities:
–trip to Hanoi, successful meeting and stayed in great Nha Tho Hotel and went shopping!!!
–buffet lunch at the Sheraton and a lil nap (yummy Caesar salad!)
–visiting the Sunset Bar at the Intercontinental
–watching Jobros on TV (new episode too!) 🙂
–email and easy communication with intl friends
–coming home to a really clean room (looks better when I don’t live there!)
–fun activities in the city (dance recital tonite!)
–friendly encounters with ppl
–clean and cooling rain (in HN and Sgn)
–cleaning out fridge and making bread pudding
–picking out outfits to wear!

My mom is so cute cuz she calls just to chat. So I often start my days with that….Freelancing has been way too good to me!

Ok lots of tasks to complete so gotta go but miss ua nd ttys!

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