Relating past events part II–Danang w/time

So after my schedule cleared up, I had time to explore areas around Danang. I couldn’t get far out of the city b/c I had started helping in an English convo class at the uni, but my afternoons and some days were spent motorbike cruising.

1. Well, I biked up to Monkey Mountain which is in Danang but kinda far especially when you’re pedalling a one-speed! But I made it up the mountain and the best part is that when I reached the end, there were several beach side huts selling seafood and drinks. Silly enough, I didn’t bring my camera so I’ll have to enliven this entry with pics later…

2. Another photo-less adventure: My Son, which is an ancient site containing relics and temple ruins from the Cham (an ethnic minority group spread throughout Central Vietnam). The site itself is not spectacularly well-kept but the ride there was incredible. We rode past green pastures, bamboo bridges, small towns and on the way there, we had to cross a river on the most rickety boat and ride the motorbike through a bit of water and sand. I have to go back to capture the sights b/c it was truly an awesome afternoon. tbc…

3. After the My Son trip, my friend Mark and I decided that we should hit the Cham Museum in Danang. After living here for more than 5 months, we were beginning to feel ashamed that we never set foot inside. B/c we were clueless at My Son, we bought a guide book which explained the significance of the statues we were looking at and I have to say, this museum is quite impressive! I feel bad because I also didn’t recommend it to ppl who have visited me in the past but it’s great. Again, photo-less! Yeah, I’m starting to feel like an idiot!

4. Hai Van Pass: on the road to Hue, you have to drive through a set of mountains and at the top, you reach an old dividing line for North and South Vietnam. This is the Hai Van Gate where you can see old French and American “forts” (for lack of a better word) and a smattering of bulletholes in the lookout points. This is a great drive into the sky and it can be misty and cold. I did get a few pics on this trip but unfortunately, they’re on my friend’s camera so again….photo-less! I can’t expect anyone to imagine what these places look like so give me a couple weeks and I’ll retrace my steps and grab some pics ok?

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