Soundbites turning in my head :)


I do love writing and I think blogging is a-ok (not mega committed) but I am totally into KEEPING IN TOUCH and knowing the latest about you.

OK now, some of you might be thinking, “Dude, you like ignored me for six months/a year…” and while I cannot deny that this past year, 2009, has been one where I have been quite MIA (I like to call it a period of recovery, rest, and discover…), I hope the more active, slightly obsessive, chipper Cathy is back for good (cue Take That)!

FB has competed and has often won in the battle for online time for me and the blog has suffered as a result but I am trying to be more consistent here, and in everything else!

OK so since time is not a luxury, here’s some quick jots:

1. I love my new VN class so much! Yes, it forces me out of bed at 7ish and out the door by 745 (by neccessity not by choice!) but my prof, Thay Pho, is just da BOMB so it’s worth it! And I am a mega linguist, so uber dorky and in love with dictionaries, that I can see why my sister never enjoyed taking a class with me. I would love a pocket protector if only I knew where to get one! 🙂

2. Current healthy obsession: I usually have a playlist of ONE SONG. And here it is for today. I especially love this version b/c it’s by the Byrds and near the end of the clip, you can hear a girl squawking like a bird! Super awesome!

3. Planning to make a photojournal and perhaps other print products…Investigating how to do this is kinda rough, or let’s say challenging with all the haggling and quality checks, in Saigon but the opp to practise my Vnese is priceless!

4. Juggling: editing contracts, friends, working out, sleeping, cooking healthy and cheap foods, housework (laundry and dishes keep piling up!) and the million ideas that run through my head 😉 As the song says, there’s a season and time for all under heaven 🙂

5. Perhaps traveling again sooner than later. I don’t need to get away from the city but I definitely want to go to Danang and Nha Trang (gramma!) b4 I leave this country and then there’s the trip with papa and bros which I’m totally praying will happen in June and then back to Van and then to east coast/central Canada and then to a cherry/blueberry field and pumpkin patch in my near future I hope!

6. Oops, grad school! I’m just sooooooooooooo excited and thankful to be accepted at the University of Ottawa. It’s not certain that I’m headed there just yet but I love the fact that they admitted me, at my rusty age (for academics anyway!) having been out of school for ages and especially since I’m almost ESL in writing skills since I do live in VN where my native English language (and my beloved French) have deteriorated….but whatever, I’m moving back to Canada! Let’s hope that the Admissions office does not see this post! 😉

7. Prioritizing is not my forte. Thank God for grace (unmerited favor towards all men that we do not deserve but yet still receive from God) 🙂

8. Exercise in minimal amounts unfortunately 🙁 I try to go to the gym twice and line dance once a week but my schedule or perhaps my will to exercise is not as strong as I would like.

9. POM POM, a ex-boyfriend shared this concept with me: peace of mind. I have it for the most part, through reading, prayer, and intense journal writing, I think my head is screwed on rightly or tightly for the most part.

10. I am a chicken: twas born in the year of the rooster; am fearful of horror movies, darkness, giant bugs; when life gets crazy, I do run around like my head was cut off (trying to stop this!); and my talk is more like a squawk or a “bawk, bawk, bawk” than an elegant tone; and my walk is definitely awkward and ungraceful. Cockle doodle doo 😉

OK gotta go meet with international ladies for coffee and chitchat….kinda reminds me of the Korean talkshow “Chitchat of the Beautful Ladies” except that I don’t have to be gorgeous to attend. And that is a great thing b/c this lil chicken has too many bruises from her moto.

ciao for now! mucho smoochos! thx for reading! xoxoxooxoxoxox!

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