Top ten: things I often think when out and about in Ottawa

1. Puh-leeeeeasssssse don’t snow! Then I look out the window in fear. Lately, the predictions of those 2-5cm have been FALSE! Yes! Uh-oh, I just glanced out rite now and it’s snowing 🙁 Must be fate…nah, tis just the winter.

on canal bridge
If only it could be autumn or hotter all the time….

2. Oh if I could stay tucked in the warmth of my flannel sheets and down sleeping bag….I LOVE SLEEPING!

3. Please make the bus.
Shoulda left a bit earlier….now if you run, you might fall….please make the bus…yes, oh thank you, I made it! Brrrrrrrr.

4. Woah, I forgot that even existed. It’s been four years since I last saw X, Y & Z. The other day, I was in awe of toaster strudels. Totally junky but yummy…they have that cream cheese frosting…I know, not a breakfast of champions 🙂

5. It’s dark and so early! By 4:30pm, the light is gone, never mind the sun! We get brilliant sun at 8am if the clouds don’t block it out but it fades by noon.

6. That is so expensive! (in reference to anything over $5 which is equivalent to the 100,000 VN dong note 🙂 b/c life was cheap in VN and sticker-shock is just one type…)

7. If I had a toaster oven or a blender…(= student renter’s dilemma, can’t be buying all that you’d like)

8. Oh gee, I have to go on the Internet for that? Ugh. I was never majorly into the computer and then living in VN where cash ruled and face-to-face interactions were the order of the day, I kinda just used it for work.

9. I will never use my debit card.
It’s been four years, why not make it a lifetime? The concept is now absolutely foreign to me. I still don’t have a chip in my credit card and I don’t really want to see that day coming. Cathy = old school 🙂

10. Oh how I wish I could just call my xe om/motorbike taxi, and everything would be alright. Girl, where are you again? That’s right, WALK!

These things will change. I am adapting. Right now, I’m laughing. Tis just part of the process of being in a new place.
Ciao for now my dearies!

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